Gifts of the Father
Pastor John Collins is spreading the Word of the Gospel across the United States through his newest revival tour, Hope and Trust.
Pastor John Collins, Evangelist with Love That Cross
Ministries and John Collins’ Ministries recently preached:
“Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father,
save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. ‘Father, glorify Your name.’ Then a voice came from heaven,
saying, ‘I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.’ Therefore the people who stood by and heard it said that it
had thundered. Others said, ‘An angel has spoken to Him.’ Jesus answered and said, ‘This voice did not come because of
Me, but for your sake.’” John 12:27-30 (NKJV).
Jesus grew up knowing the duty and responsibilities that He
had been given. He knew what would come and He lived with an awareness of what
was to be gained. He did not live with His own needs and wants but with those
of His Father’s. Jesus was driven to give as He had always seen God give.
It is so clear that Jesus wanted those He encountered to
understand the gifts that came from the Father. He wanted them to know that God
was reaching out to them. He often pointed out that certain things were done
for the benefit of others. Jesus did not need the reassurances that we need and
did not lack the understanding that we do.
I believe that we often take too much of life for granted.
We should slow down and look up. We should stop in our tracks and pray. Jesus
was mindful of God always and was mindful of His impact on our souls. Jesus
cares for us and wanted only the best for those that He ministered to. His life
was full of determination for all of the right things. We have so much to learn
from Him and we have so much be thankful for.
If there is one thing that you can do for yourself in your
daily lives, it is to take the time to connect with the Lord. You should be
seeking the opportunities to quiet your lives and to become more aware of God.
You should think about what you have done in your life and what you want to do.
But do this according to the gospel of Christ and see where that takes you.
God has always done things to reach us and has always
provided a way home. God has given us His Son and we should take note of the
character of Jesus so that we can learn from Him. Jesus pleased God in every
way and we should seek to do the same. It is possible for us to have the
commitment to God that Jesus displayed by choosing to follow our Lord.
Let us be aware of the efforts of God and Jesus and let us
respond to their love. Let us be honest with ourselves in our lives and be
willing to sacrifice for our eternal souls. Let us become more faithful people
who choose to pay attention to the things that are above over the things of
this earth. Let us praise God for His consideration and selfless love.
“Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this
world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all
peoples to Myself.” John 12:31-32(NKJV).
Pastor John Collins is a leading evangelist in the United States today.
His vibrant, no
nonsense style of preaching
brings the Word
of God, the teachings of Jesus
to life. He reaches the hearts
of those who hear
Pastor John Collins strives to bring God back to the United States.
He often preaches that we as a country turned our backs to God, one
person at a time, one
church at a time. It’s time to
change that and bring
God back into our lives, to bring hope
to ourselves and to our country,
one person
at a time, one church
at a time. Through our own choices to serve our own will, not God’s, we
as a whole have turned
away from God. The result is that our
country is in the turmoil it is in
now. As the Holy
Bible says, if we turn back to God
with all our hearts
and cry out
to Him,
He will hear
our plea and heal our country. More than ever, we need God. Pastor John Collins is answering his call by
God to bring the gospel to as many people as he can reach with the words that
he preaches.
Pastor John Collins’ revivals speak to the issues that we face in the United States.
We have turned
our backs to God, taking Him out
of our schools,
our government,
our families
and our churches-and
as a result our society
is hurting badly
for hope.
Pastor John Collins preaches hope, and the salvation of Jesus Christ, seeking to bring souls to Christ through his revivals and his messages.
As Pastor John has said, we need to take the time to
connect with God
and with Jesus Christ
and bring our souls back
to the Cross,
bring ourselves
back to our God
who loves
us so very much.
He is waiting for us to make
that choice,
to hear the words
that were preached and taught
by Jesus
Christ, to humble
ourselves so that we
can be forgiven by
and be
blessed by Him.
Our struggle
in this life
doesn’t have
to be done alone, wasn’t meant
to be carried alone, we can’t do it
alone. Jesus is there
for us to handle the problems
we face every day, and Jesus is there as the Hope for tomorrow. All we have to do is believe and ask
forgiveness, then continue
to work toward being Christ-like
everyday. Yes, we
will all fall down and trip ourselves
with mistakes, but that Grace that is offered
by God through Jesus saves us.
John Collins, Pastor and Evangelist says: “Hope is like sunshine, everyone needs a ray of it.”
Come stand in the ray of hope that is Jesus Christ.
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